Discover a reborn Mortal Kombat™ Universe created by the Fire God Liu Kang.
Reflecting Fire God Liu Kang’s vision of perfection, Mortal Kombat 1’s brand new universe is familiar, yet radically altered.
Invasions is a dynamic single player campaign with a variety of distinct challenges. With built in progression and RPG mechanics, mixed with MK1’s incredible fighting action, Invasions provides deep, and engaging challenges, and a ton of rewards along the way.
Kameos dramatically enhance every fight, assisting teammates with their own Special Moves, Throws and defensive Breakers.
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Discover a reborn Mortal Kombat™ Universe created by the Fire God Liu Kang.
Reflecting Fire God Liu Kang’s vision of perfection, Mortal Kombat 1’s brand new universe is familiar, yet radically altered.
Invasions is a dynamic single player campaign with a variety of distinct challenges. With built in progression and RPG mechanics, mixed with MK1’s incredible fighting action, Invasions provides deep, and engaging challenges, and a ton of rewards along the way.
Kameos dramatically enhance every fight, assisting teammates with their own Special Moves, Throws and defensive Breakers.
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