State of Mind is a futuristic thriller that delves into themes of transhumanism, exploring the intersection of a dystopian material reality and a utopian virtual future. Set in Berlin in 2048, players assume the role of Richard Nolan, a journalist who awakens in a hospital to find his family missing. As he investigates, Richard uncovers a global conspiracy involving artificial intelligence and digital utopias, prompting reflections on identity, technology, and humanity's future.
Key Features
Engaging Narrative: Navigate a complex storyline that examines the impact of AI and technology on society and personal identity.
Distinctive Visual Style: Experience a low-poly art design that visually represents the fragmented nature of the game's themes.
Multiple Playable Characters: Control various characters, each offering unique perspectives that enrich the overarching narrative.
Exploration and Puzzles: Interact with a richly detailed environment, solve puzzles, and engage in mini-games that enhance immersion.
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State of Mind is a futuristic thriller that delves into themes of transhumanism, exploring the intersection of a dystopian material reality and a utopian virtual future. Set in Berlin in 2048, players assume the role of Richard Nolan, a journalist who awakens in a hospital to find his family missing. As he investigates, Richard uncovers a global conspiracy involving artificial intelligence and digital utopias, prompting reflections on identity, technology, and humanity's future.
Key Features
Engaging Narrative: Navigate a complex storyline that examines the impact of AI and technology on society and personal identity.
Distinctive Visual Style: Experience a low-poly art design that visually represents the fragmented nature of the game's themes.
Multiple Playable Characters: Control various characters, each offering unique perspectives that enrich the overarching narrative.
Exploration and Puzzles: Interact with a richly detailed environment, solve puzzles, and engage in mini-games that enhance immersion.
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