Crazy Machines 3 is the latest installment in the acclaimed physics-based puzzle series developed by FAKT Software and published by Daedalic Entertainment. Building upon the legacy of its predecessors, this game challenges players to construct intricate Rube Goldberg-style machines to solve a variety of inventive puzzles. With a robust physics engine and extensive customization options, Crazy Machines 3 offers a captivating experience for both puzzle enthusiasts and creative minds.
Key Features
Intricate Physics-Based Puzzles
Solve over 80 challenging puzzles that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
Utilize realistic physics, including electricity, explosions, lasers, and wind, to achieve objectives.
Comprehensive Level Editor
Design and build your own complex machines and puzzles using a wide array of components.
Share your creations and access community-made content through integrated Steam Workshop support.
Extensive Customization Options
Modify objects with different materials, sizes, rotations, and colors to tailor your machines.
Tinker with chips to assign individual properties to objects, enhancing functionality.
High-Quality 3D Graphics
Experience detailed and vibrant three-dimensional environments that bring your contraptions to life.
Enjoy a visually appealing interface that complements the intricate machine designs.
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Crazy Machines 3 is the latest installment in the acclaimed physics-based puzzle series developed by FAKT Software and published by Daedalic Entertainment. Building upon the legacy of its predecessors, this game challenges players to construct intricate Rube Goldberg-style machines to solve a variety of inventive puzzles. With a robust physics engine and extensive customization options, Crazy Machines 3 offers a captivating experience for both puzzle enthusiasts and creative minds.
Key Features
Intricate Physics-Based Puzzles
Solve over 80 challenging puzzles that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
Utilize realistic physics, including electricity, explosions, lasers, and wind, to achieve objectives.
Comprehensive Level Editor
Design and build your own complex machines and puzzles using a wide array of components.
Share your creations and access community-made content through integrated Steam Workshop support.
Extensive Customization Options
Modify objects with different materials, sizes, rotations, and colors to tailor your machines.
Tinker with chips to assign individual properties to objects, enhancing functionality.
High-Quality 3D Graphics
Experience detailed and vibrant three-dimensional environments that bring your contraptions to life.
Enjoy a visually appealing interface that complements the intricate machine designs.
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