REVEIL is a narrative-driven first-person psychological thriller developed by Pixelsplit and published by Daedalic Entertainment. Set in the eerie world of the Nelson Bros Circus during the 1960s, players step into the shoes of Walter Thompson, a former stage builder, as he navigates a labyrinth of fragmented memories and unsettling environments to uncover the truth behind his family's disappearance.
Key Features
Immersive Storytelling
Delve into a rich narrative that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, exploring Walter's troubled psyche and mysterious past.
Atmospheric Environments
Explore meticulously crafted settings inspired by 1960s circus aesthetics, transitioning from authentic designs to surreal, dreamlike sequences.
Challenging Puzzles
Engage with a variety of puzzles integrated seamlessly into the storyline, requiring keen observation and critical thinking to progress.
Multiple Endings
Experience different outcomes based on player choices and actions, enhancing replayability and narrative depth.
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REVEIL is a narrative-driven first-person psychological thriller developed by Pixelsplit and published by Daedalic Entertainment. Set in the eerie world of the Nelson Bros Circus during the 1960s, players step into the shoes of Walter Thompson, a former stage builder, as he navigates a labyrinth of fragmented memories and unsettling environments to uncover the truth behind his family's disappearance.
Key Features
Immersive Storytelling
Delve into a rich narrative that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, exploring Walter's troubled psyche and mysterious past.
Atmospheric Environments
Explore meticulously crafted settings inspired by 1960s circus aesthetics, transitioning from authentic designs to surreal, dreamlike sequences.
Challenging Puzzles
Engage with a variety of puzzles integrated seamlessly into the storyline, requiring keen observation and critical thinking to progress.
Multiple Endings
Experience different outcomes based on player choices and actions, enhancing replayability and narrative depth.
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