Black Mirror III is the concluding chapter of the acclaimed gothic horror adventure series, developed by Cranberry Production and published by THQ Nordic. Released in 2011, the game picks up immediately after the events of Black Mirror II, continuing the dark and intricate narrative centered around the Gordon family's cursed lineage. Players assume the role of Darren Michaels, who, after being arrested as the primary suspect in a fatal crime, embarks on a journey to uncover the mysteries of his past and the sinister forces haunting Black Mirror Castle.
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Black Mirror III is the concluding chapter of the acclaimed gothic horror adventure series, developed by Cranberry Production and published by THQ Nordic. Released in 2011, the game picks up immediately after the events of Black Mirror II, continuing the dark and intricate narrative centered around the Gordon family's cursed lineage. Players assume the role of Darren Michaels, who, after being arrested as the primary suspect in a fatal crime, embarks on a journey to uncover the mysteries of his past and the sinister forces haunting Black Mirror Castle.
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