The Expanse: A Telltale Series is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Deck Nine Games. Serving as a prequel to the acclaimed television series The Expanse, the game delves into the backstory of Camina Drummer, a prominent character from the show.
Key Features
Engaging Narrative: Assume the role of Camina Drummer, portrayed by actress Cara Gee, as she navigates the perilous and uncharted regions of the Belt aboard the scavenger ship Artemis. Players face challenging decisions that influence the storyline and character relationships.
Exploration and Interaction: Investigate derelict spacecraft in zero-gravity environments, utilizing magnetic boots and thrusters to traverse walls and ceilings. Interact with various objects and characters to uncover hidden secrets and advance the plot.
Episodic Release: The game comprises five main episodes, released bi-weekly between July and September 2023, with a bonus episode titled "Archangel" launched on November 20, 2023.
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The Expanse: A Telltale Series is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Deck Nine Games. Serving as a prequel to the acclaimed television series The Expanse, the game delves into the backstory of Camina Drummer, a prominent character from the show.
Key Features
Engaging Narrative: Assume the role of Camina Drummer, portrayed by actress Cara Gee, as she navigates the perilous and uncharted regions of the Belt aboard the scavenger ship Artemis. Players face challenging decisions that influence the storyline and character relationships.
Exploration and Interaction: Investigate derelict spacecraft in zero-gravity environments, utilizing magnetic boots and thrusters to traverse walls and ceilings. Interact with various objects and characters to uncover hidden secrets and advance the plot.
Episodic Release: The game comprises five main episodes, released bi-weekly between July and September 2023, with a bonus episode titled "Archangel" launched on November 20, 2023.
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